Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Newfangled writing machine

What's up internet

So, if you follow these blog posts at all you're probably wondering howI write them or what I write them with (probably not, but I'm gonna tell you anyway for the sake of satire). Well, I just get out the old Lettera 32 typewriter that I've just had sitting around since 1966 and write till I can't write anymore. Which takes a while since my hand doesn't get tired from all the manual labor of pen and paper.

However, there's no backspace button which is unfortunate because a single mistake on a full page of text means starting from scratch. And the internet connection is just… all over the place.
Sometimes it doesn't even seem like it's there at all, which can make posting these blogs really hard. Think dial-up, without the dial or up. One of the major selling points for me was the convenient carrying case for this super lightweight 20lbs model, and I wouldn't have even considered it without being able to easily transport it on all of those business trips that I definitely have.

Real talk, if you find one of these bad boys in the wild and it's in good shape, pick it up if you can and if it's cheap. If you get a good price on it, the resale value is upwards of $200 on Etsy. Please, for the sake of my sanity don't give it away for free.

Until next time my dudes

1 comment:

  1. I think I heard that Tom Hanks wrote a collection of essays about his typewriter because he loves it so much. Food for thought.
