Wednesday, March 27, 2019



Alright guys, so this one's an absolute game changer, or at least it would have been in its time. This bowling ball comes with its own commercial straight from the 70s, and with fame like that I simply could not resist sharing with the internet.

Sports are not for everyone, myself included. However, with the superior grip and handling quality if the AMF classic, even I might be willing to step into the bowling alley. If memory serves correctly, bowling is like gold and my best score is around 100. With a ball like this, I would bet money that I could half that score without breaking a sweat. Given that this is just a bowling ball to most of you, I’d like to point out that the reason this ball is so special is because it is made up of a special polyester formula designed for the best possible traction in 1973.

Honestly, there really isn’t any information about this bowling ball other than one website that simply lists the manufacturer details. If there was more to it I’d love to tell you, but that’s part of the reason I picked this item for this week. While some of the things I see at Goodwill make me wonder why someone would ever give them away, some make me wonder why they were even created in the first place. This one is the latter, and while its purpose may seem obvious (it’s a bowling ball, duh) it seems that this is one of those things that the internet forgot to swallow up, save for a few online auctions where people just looking for a quick buck.


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