Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Sew it up

Hey hi hello.

So this week there was really only one item of interest that someone dropped off to my Goodwill. Ready for this? It’s riveting I promise. It’s a foot-crank sewing machine dated from the 1920’s, still in pretty good shape too; it’s exact name is the White Rotary if that means anything to anyone. It’s made to look pretty fancy for the time, covered in art deco patterning, and it even had a warranty with it (which is how I know it’s from the 20’s). I’m pretty sure it even has the original housing and desk setup. It was so covered in dust and gross stuff that it took us a while to clean. As a bonus though, we priced it online and if they’re in good shape they can go for upwards of $200 (if only we made commission). I’ll leave a link for that with the pictures.

Considering it’s age and the effort that it took to move (it’s heavy, for one), I can’t believe the person that donated this was willing to part with it without at least checking out it’s true worth. Or they did and gave it away anyway, but either way this is something I can only see increasing in value over time, both because of its age and because of it’s increasing scarcity (or demand) on the market (not that I really know much about antiques, other than what my boss tells me).

Is this starting to sound like a watered-down Antiques Roadshow yet?

Until next time my dudes.

Link to eBay auction: eBay auction


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