Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Quasar, but Shoulder Mounted

What is up internet

Remember all those days as a kid you spent watching your favorite movies (Disney or not) on VHS tapes? I don’t know if your life was like a Disney movie on VHS, but if you wanted it to be then BOY DO I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU! Nowadays if there’s anything that you could possibly want to have video of, all you have to do is get out your phone. But what if—and bear with me on this—what if, you didn’t have to lug around a phone with you to record anything?

This bad boy is a Quasar VHS recorder from 1994. While it’s not an antique by any means, it’s definitely worth picking up if you want to be able to record VHS from your back pocket, and with added features such as right-handed AND left-handed recording capabilities, as well as 12x 2speed zoom, this is absolutely a no-brainer. For all your wedding/bar-fight/disney movie recording needs, just whip this baby out. Only make sure your giant Energizer® battery is charged and ready go beforehand, otherwise it’ll be a solid 2-3 hours before that 2000 mAh Lead-Acid battery is charged up.  Thankfully, this model comes with a portable battery charger that slots right into the easy-carry case. Just imagine all the fun times you could record with a shoulder-mounted, lightweight VHS camcorder such as this.

Since it’s from the 90s, this isn’t really worth that much, but the nostalgia is definitely there. And for the sake of corroboration, I’ll add an eBay link


Until next time.

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